Providing any service may be complex when carrying out delivery to the client, since the service is the result of the work and time dedicated by one or more specialists, this work in many cases is not perceived or valued by the final client in its proper dimension. That is why it is key to make transparent the work done and make the client a participant in this. With PMC-tool® you may guide the client in the process of delivery of services, record the time and the deliverables of the work assigned, whether it is legal, accounting, tax, or any type of professional consultation.
Demostrate Advances with Evidence
By breaking down your service in tangible deliverables such as reports, images, photographs, attendance lists of courses, etc. You can demonstrate that the progress of your work is not only for an estimated percentage, but for deliverables you have done.
Account for Time
Upload the hours that you dedicate to the client or coordinate the hours dedicated by your team in each activity that they do. With PMC-tool® you can record the time that is dedicated to each client and demonstrate in this way the costs of your services.
Increase Your Client’s Trust
By having your services in PMC-tool®, you can give your client access that allows for entering and viewing the progress whenever they want. With this, you avoid doing reports on progress and you increase communication and trust with your client.
Success Story
SIGA is a legal office that uses the PMC-tool® to control all of the legal services that they do for their clients. They deliver their services through tangible deliverables and have the time control of all the lawyers that are part of their office.
“PMC-tool for me was an innovative way of managing projects, since it allows for the integration of all information on a project in a single project management system.”
“I found there was a valuable contribution from the Inoventi team by making a file that allows for identifying And giving follow up, not only to the general vision of a project but to each detail that must be followed to ensure its compliance.”
“Thanks to the sum of knowledge, talent, and experience of the professionals that work at InovenTI, they have created the PMC-tool, offering tangible evidence that gives value-added in the execution of their contracts.”
“The success of our firm has consisted of materializing the intangible services that we offer through a work plan, which we manage through the PMC-tool. This is how we have been able to discipline and perfect our internal operation. In the genes of SIGA flows the creativity of PMC-tool.”